A unique background of hard work, small business, and community involvement...
Chris was born and raised in Delaware County. His parents, Joe and Hope Quinn, embodied the American Dream. They both worked for Boeing, Joe as a tool maker and Hope worked in the “print crib.” The Quinn’s first lived in Marple Township before moving to Middletown in 1977.
Growing up, Chris and his three brothers were taught the value of hard work, to, give back to their community and the importance of family. Chris attended Delaware County public schools and graduated from Penncrest High School in 1985. After college and starting a career in business, Chris and his wife, Carle, moved back to Delaware County to live, work and raise a family. Chris and Carle are the proud parents of three daughters: Erin, Kathryn and Megan.
Almost 20 years ago, Chris decided to start his own small business in Delaware County. His small business experience allows him to understand the challenges that job creators face and the burdens that government places on small businesses through taxes and regulation.
Following the advice of his parents. Chris has been drawn to give back to his community and those less fortunate. He serves on the board of Wells for Relief International, a not for profit organization that designs, builds and maintains safe drinking water systems for at-risk populations around the world. His work for Wells for Relief took him to Ghana, Africa, where he helped to establish a well system that now brings clean drinking water to multiple villages and a school.
Chris Quinn was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in a Special Election in July 2016. In Harrisburg, Chris has become an independent advocate for Delaware County residents. His background in business and his community and volunteer experience has helped shape solutions to many issues affecting Delaware County and Southeastern Pennsylvania. Chris has advocated for clean water, safe pipelines, increased education and school safety funding.